All you need to know.


I have plenty of excuses as to why I haven’t blogged in almost two weeks.

One is that fact I wrote this blog post about some passionfruit curd filled, meringue topped cupcakes I made, and then something went wrong and I lost the whole post and it went up blank, and I was very annoyed. So I didn’t blog.

Another is that I had a weekend of being down in the dumps last weekend and I really didn’t want to do another ‘woe is me’, especially as I don’t feel that is a very accurate representation of myself, considering I’m generally quite happy and positive at the moment. So I didn’t blog.

The third is the fact is I’ve been very busy, and with that comes being fairly shattered and also a little overwhelmed as I didn’t know where to start on the blogging front. So I didn’t blog.

The last; I’m a bit lazy and I didn’t want to force out blog post when I really didn’t feel like writing one, and so I didn’t. Perhaps that means I’ve been a little unmotivated, but whilst I’ve been unmotivated on the writing front, I’ve been extremely motivated in other aspects of my life.

I still don’t know where to begin particularly. I’ve done lots recently. I went food tasting in Liverpool at a Jamie Oliver Restaurant, I got paid for the first time, I bought lots of train tickets, I bought lots of books, I bought lots clothes and shoes, I bought lots of body shop stuff… (I’ve never had this amount of money to spend before, don’t know if you can tell?)…

Book wise I’ve only actually bought two, and got another 7 for free at a free bookshop we have. You just put a donation if you can, it is really fab. I also got this gorgeous book that wasn’t really a book out of pure luck. I was looking in the foreign language books for something French but saw this Russian book sticking out so had a look what it was. It was in fact a load of post card style pictures of Moscow, it is wonderful. I might do a post on it more in depth one day once I have translated some of the Russian and had a proper look at the all.


Isn't this cover gorgeous? I have read Eleanor and Park, and it was a nice easy read, so I thought I would buy another Rainbow Rowell.


Reading this at the moment, it is great. Wordy, of course, but I like it so far.


One of my favourite authors.


For obvious reasons.


Well, I couldn't resist.


Woohoo, free copy!


Why not?


Thought it looked charming 🙂


Is it a book?


Wait, what?



So yeah, books. Can’t help myself. I’m also reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover right now. Make of that what you will. (Like I say, I love D.H. It’s purely innocent even if he isn’t…).

Other than spending all my money I have been keeping fairly busy. Work has got crazily busy all of a sudden which is exactly how I like it, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have time for a bit of fun. Last Thursday I got roped into a very hilarious bowling might with my workmates. I was a bit nervous as I’m a fair bit younger than my colleagues, but they were all lovely and we had a great laugh, even if it was mainly at my awful bowling skills. Exaggeration? Sadly not. I scored 28. The second lowest score was 49, and the highest was over 100. So that gives you a bit of a picture of quite how poor I am. But I wasn’t wearing my glasses so it was definitely just that. Definitely.

I’ve also seen some lovely friends, and had a pizza night with two of my best friends who were my best friends all the way through high school. We had a good old reminisce and laughed at some hilarious photos of our younger selves. Definitely hold onto those friends who you have tonnes of memories with, nothing beats when you meet up and get a bit nostalgic.

My best friend was also back for the weekend from uni and we went for coffee and had a good old natter and a hug. To be fair though, she has only been gone a month and we both agreed it didn’t feel like she’d been gone that long at all in some ways. We’ve gone longer without seeing each other, such as last summer (I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned I got Scarlett fever over the summer…) so it was just like normal. Which was weird. Paradox.

So that’ll do. I will be posting much more I think this week, and apologise for slightly disappearing. Have a selfie of me being confused about my recent goth phase (it happens every Autumn).


I wear so much black that you can't even see it in the photo.

3 thoughts on “All you need to know.

  1. I know how you feel about the blog post being lost… that happened to me last night and I felt like throwing the computer across the room… >_< I've been thinking about buying a Rainbow Rowell book but I read the first few pages of Eleanor & Park and wasn't blown away, I might buy it anyway because I've heard so many good things about it! Loving the selfie by the way 😉 xx


    • Aw no, that sucks!! It is the worst feeling! All that work gone! I totally agree about Eleanor and Park, I just borrowed it from a friend and it was nice, and a good break from some of the heavier stuff I was reading, but it didn’t blow me away. However, I liked the style of the book and it is nice to have a bit of easy reading every now and then so I bought Attachments. Although, it was mainly because of the pretty cover, I won’t lie – I’m a sucker for pretty covers!!! Haha, thank you, I think I look like a fish! 😉


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